Untitled Painting 009, 24″ x 18″, acrylic, charcoal, enamel, graphite and oil, 2015
Untitled painting 001, Untitled Painting 008 and Untitled Painting 003
Untitled Painting 001 and 008
Untitled painting 001, 40″ x 30″, acrylic, charcoal, enamel and oil, 2014
Untitled painting 008, 40″ x 30″, acrylic, charcoal, enamel, graphite and oil, 2015
Untitled Painting 008 and 003
Untitled painting 003, 40″ x 30″, acrylic, charcoal, enamel and oil, 2015
Untitled painting 005, 40″ x 30″, acrylic, charcoal, enamel, graphite and oil, 2015
Untitled painting 005 and Andrew abbott
Untitled Painting 005 and 006
Untitled painting 006, 60″ x 40″, acrylic, charcoal, enamel, graphite and oil, 2015
Untitled painting 006 and Andrew abbott
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Untitled Painting 004 and 010
Untitled painting 004, 24″ x 18″, acrylic, charcoal, enamel, graphite and oil, 2015
Untitled Painting 010, 18″ x 24″, acrylic, charcoal, enamel, graphite and oil, 2015
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Untitled painting 002, 40″ x 30″, acrylic, charcoal, enamel and oil, 2014
Untitled painting 007, 24″ x 18″, acrylic, charcoal, enamel, graphite and oil, 2015