This show is organized by Aureus Contemporary. Participating artists are Alejandro Diaz-Ayala, Jeremy Dean, Jeff Depner, Pauline Galiana, Hiroyuki Hamada, Karim Hamid, William P Immer, Michael Mapes, Claire Shegog and Yi-Hsin Tzeng.
You can learn more about the show at the site.
Come say hi! We’ll have an opening on April 4th 7-10pm.
#63, 2006-10, 45 x 40 x 24 inches, burlap, enamel, oil, plaster, resin, tar, wax and wood
#68, 2007-09, 41 x 23 x 20 1/2 inches, enamel, oil, plaster, tar and wax
#53, 2005-2008, 38 diameter x 14 1/2 inches, enamel, oil, plaster, tar and wax
4 april to 14 april 2013
opening night: 4 APRIL 7-10pm
operating 11 – 6pm
(closed on Monday)
coordinates: NYC, 520 W 27th Street, btw 10th & 11th