Images from Bookstein Projects show
Here are some images from the Bookstein Projects show. The show is up till February 15, 2020.
Bookstein Projects60 East 66th Street, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10065Tel (212) 750-0949info@booksteinprojects.com................. -
A Group Show in NYC
In News onThis show is organized by Aureus Contemporary. Participating artists are Alejandro Diaz-Ayala, Jeremy Dean, Jeff Depner, Pauline Galiana, Hiroyuki Hamada, Karim Hamid, William P Immer, Michael Mapes, Claire Shegog and Yi-Hsin Tzeng.
You can learn more about the show at the site.
Come say hi! We’ll have an opening on April 4th 7-10pm.
#63, 2006-10, 45 x 40 x 24 inches, burlap, enamel, oil, plaster, resin, tar, wax and wood
#68, 2007-09, 41 x 23 x 20 1/2 inches, enamel, oil, plaster, tar and wax
#53, 2005-2008, 38 diameter x 14 1/2 inches, enamel, oil, plaster, tar and wax4 april to 14 april 2013
opening night: 4 APRIL 7-10pm
operating 11 – 6pm
(closed on Monday) -
Group Show in NYC Opens This Week
In News onThe show is organized by my friend, Frank Webster, with Paul Brainard. There are more than 20 people in the show so there will be lots to see.
Die Like You Really Mean It:
October 26 – December 3, 2011
Opening reception: October 26, 6-9PM
179 East Broadway
New York, NY 10002
Featuring works of:
Erik Benson, Paul Brainard, Pia Dehne, Hiroyuki Hamada, Elizabeth Huey, Erika Keck,
Emily Noelle Lambert, Frank Lentini, Eddie Martinez, Brian Montouri, Bryan Osburn, Kanishka Raja,
Erika Ranee, Tom Sanford, Christopher Saunders, Kristen Schiele, Ryan Schneider, Oliver Warden,
Frank Webster, Eric White and Doug YoungYou can see some works included in the show here and here.
Lori Bookstein Fine Art Opening Photos
In News onHere are some images from the opening night…
Hiroyuki Hamada: Two Sculptures
September 15 – October 15, 2011
Lori Bookstein Fine Art
Tel 212-750-0949
Die Like You Really Mean It
In News onParticipating artists:
Erik Benson, Paul Brainard, Pia Dehne, Hiroyuki Hamada, Elizabeth Huey, Erika Keck,
Emily Noelle Lambert, Frank Lentini, Eddie Martinez, Brian Montouri, Bryan Osburn, Kanishka Raja,
Erika Ranee, Tom Sanford, Christopher Saunders, Kristen Schiele, Ryan Schneider, Oliver Warden,
Frank Webster, Eric White and Doug YoungAllegra LaViola Gallery | 179 East Broadway | New York, NY 10002
T 917.463.3901 E gallery@allegralaviola.com
www.allegralaviola.comGallery hours
Wednesday – Saturday: 12-6PM
Sunday: 1-6PMOpening Reception: October 26, 6-9PM
Allegra La Viola Gallery is pleased to present Die Like You Really Mean It, a group exhibition on view
from October 26 – December 7. The exhibition is curated by artists Paul Brainard and Frank Webster
and features new paintings and sculpture by over twenty artists living in the New York metro area.The curators have assembled an energetic and dynamic show, where each work registers as a highly
charged expression of the individual artist. Brainard and Webster have maintained a special interest
in choosing works that register not as intentionally ironic but rather as sincerely and at times
viscerally rendered. This exhibition celebrates painting as a healthy, living, and variegated mode of
art making in New York.The works included in this exhibition are often resistant to purely formalist and conceptual concerns,
engaging themes that extend beyond the material media of painting. Figurative and scenic elements
may invite narrative readings while color is used forcefully, liberally, or selectively. The expressive
qualities of color among the works range widely from Oliver Warden’s transformative explosions of
color, to Hiroyuki Hamada’s restrained, bi-chromatic capsule-like wall reliefs. Also of concern among
the works is the relationship between the human being and its environment, exemplified by Erik
Benson and Kristen Schiele’s depictions of inhabited indoor and outdoor settings, Pia Dehne’s
complex compositions in which figure and ground are enmeshed through lyrical patterns of line and
geometry, and Kanishka Raja’s use of pattern to unite various specific locations depicted in the same
visual space.Atypically, this show exalts in its contrasts. The works of Chris Saunders and Brian Montouri could
best sum this up. Saunder’s paintings are slick and calm on the surface but belie an unsettling and
subversive content, while Montouri’s vision is a veritable disgorgement of expressionist storm and
bluster. Each artist pushes the medium with equal passion, but in radically different directions, with
starkly different results. This passion however is one thing all of the artists in Die Like You Really
Mean It share in common.—Paul Brainard, Kristen Lorello and Frank Webster
Upcoming at Lori Bookstein Fine Art
In News onHiroyuki Hamada: Two Sculptures
September 15 – October 15, 2011
Lori Bookstein Fine Art
Tel 212-750-0949
Scope NYC 2011
In News on#68 and #60 will be at Scope NYC with Aureus Contemporary (booth A61) from March 2 to March 6, 2011.
March 2 will be press/VIP viewing (3pm to 9pm) and the general admission hours will be noon to 8pm on March 3 to
March 5, noon to 7pm on March 6. The venue is located at 320 West (West Side Highway) across from
Pier 40. -
Last week for the NY show
In News onThank you to many of you who came to see the show. It will be up through Saturday January 8th.
The closing reception will be on Thursday January 6th 5:00pm to 8:00pm.
Coleman Burke Gallery New York
636 West 28th Street Ground Floor
Between 11th & 12th Avenue
New York, NY 10001917-677-7825
Coleman Burke Gallery New York
In News onI’m happy that the next show will be in my favorite city: New York City!
It will be at:
Coleman Burke Gallery New York
636 West 28th Street, Ground Floor
between 11th & 12th Avenues
New York, New York 10001
December 2, 2010- January 15, 2011
Opening: Thursday, December 2, 6 – 8 PM
Here is more about the show. It’s been 4 years since the last show in NYC. I’m excited to be back and the gallery space is splendid! I will keep you updated! -
Art Sites Show Images Are Up!
In News onImages from the Art Sites show are up at the main part of the site. Here are a few…
For the full photo sets, please click here, and click on PHOTOS at the top bar for Art Sites 2o1o Part 1 to 3. There are 47 images! Or, Hiroyuki Hamada Art at Facebook has an album with same images. They are smaller but load faster. Hope you like the images!