• ArtHamptons 2010

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    Pierre Menard Gallery is displaying #8A and #45 at ArtHamptons, July 9-11, 2010
    (booth 433).  The opening preview party which benefits LongHouse Reserve will be
    on the 8th.

    #8A, 39 x 32 x 1 3/4 inches, 1996

    #8A, 39 x 32 x 1 3/4 inches, 1996

    #45, 25 inches diameter x 19 inches, 2002-2005

    #45, 25 inches diameter x 19 inches, 2002-2005

  • An interview with Merve Unsal

    In News on

    Recently, I had an interview with one of the BoltArt.net editors, Merve Unsal.
    Unfortunately, BoltArt site is having a server issue right now but Merve has
    put up the interview at her site for now:  www.merveunsal.com

    Let’s hope that BoltArt gets back online soon.

  • A refreshing perspective: a visual essay in Creatie

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    An Amsterdam based magazine Creatie has a visual essay by Mischa Rozema
    of PostPanic that makes you look at my work from a refreshing perspective.
    While I couldn’t fully get the text part since the magazine is in Dutch, the
    pictures tell the story very well.  To me the essay focuses on how we are as a
    peculiar specie on the planet that can see who we are and tries to shape who
    we are.  The essay tells our excitements, uncertainties, oddities and triumphs
    in the process.  It’s always refreshing and enjoyable to see someone coming
    up with a solid theme out of my non-referential work.  Thank you Mischa.


    To see the essay, please go to main part of my site, click PRESS.  It should appear in
    the list as “A Visual Essay by Mischa Rozema”.

    Three other artists who appear in the essay are exceptional.  Here are some other
    works by them which do not appear in the essay.  Hope you visit their sites for more.

    White Cosmonaut

    White Cosmonaut by Jeremy Geddes

    The Man Machine Reem B #1, Pal, Barcelone, 2010 by Vincent Fournier

    The Man Machine Reem B #1, Pal, Barcelone, 2010 by Vincent Fournier

    Anas Animatus D by Hyungkoo Lee

    Anas Animatus D by Hyungkoo Lee

  • Site Upgrade, June 2010

    In News on

    For the past weeks, I’ve been adding extra images to the pieces at the
    SCULPTURE section of the site.  They can be clicked for large views.
    I’m hoping that you will have a better sense of what the work looks like
    with the additions.  So far #51, #54, #55, #59, #52, #60, #61, #64, #49,
    #50, #44, #45 and #46 have been updated.  More pieces will follow…


  • Scope Basel 2010

    In News on

    Four pieces (#32, #39, #50 and #64) will be heading to Scope Basel Art Show
    (June 15-19, Booth F22) with the Aureus Contemporary soon.

    #32, 1998-2001, 38 x 36 x 1 3/4 inches

    #32, 1998-2001, 38 x 36 x 1 3/4 inches

    #39, 1997-02, 43 x 27 1/2 x 6 1/2 inches

    #39, 1997-02, 43 x 27 1/2 x 6 1/2 inches

    #50, 2003-2005, 27 1/2 diameter x 12 1/2 inches

    #50, 2003-2005, 27 1/2 diameter x 12 1/2 inches

    #64, 1997-08, 28 1/2 diameter x 4 1/2 inches

    #64, 1997-08, 28 1/2 diameter x 4 1/2 inches

    Alternate views, details, larger images of the pieces can be seen at the
    main part of the site.  At the site, just click on the bottom icons for each piece.

  • Art Chicago 2010 Pictures Added

    In News on

    I’ve just added some photos from Art Chicago to the main part of the site
    (please go to PHOTOS and look under Art Chicago April 30-May 3, 2010).
    Andreas and Kevin from Aureus Contemporary along with their installation
    specialist  Christopher Faiss did a maximum job in hanging a great show at
    the booth. As I was looking forward to seeing, it was so satisfying that Karim‘s
    paintings and my sculptures interacted so nicely. Here are some for you to see.
    Please go to the main site for the complete set and the enlarged versions.








  • but does it float

    In News on

    Every once in a while I check if “but does it float” has a new entry. The site stands
    out, among many visually oriented sites, in showing intriguing images lead by
    brief sentences. The text often act as a springboard to lift you up where the images
    are displayed or they can playfully set the rhythm to the visual composition that
    follows. The curators of the site, Folkert Gorter and Atley G. Kasky, know how to
    put up great shows tastefully, beautifully and effectively. Here are some examples.

    Click to see the full entry at but does it float

    Click to see the full entry at but does it float

    Click to see the full entry at but does it float

    Click to see the full entry at but does it float

    Beauty will be... copy c

    Click to see the full entry at but does it float

    Here is what they did with my work (below). Somehow the vastness of the text at
    the beginning takes you to a place where you can let your imagination fly. It’s so
    clever and effective.

    The only way

    Click to see the full entry at but does it float

  • Art for People: NYFA’s A & AE

    In News on

    It’s no surprise that as an artist I believe art is good.  Not just paintings or
    sculptures but anything that can make me see new possibilities, open my eyes
    to new realities and make me feel some sort of awe inspiring flow that’s
    bigger than my usual self.  And simply put, there are amazing things out there
    that make me say “wow, I’m glad to be alive to see that!”.  But actually getting
    out and trying to help artists to make things is a tricky matter; especially
    when it’s done publicly.  When I see people debating about it, I feel helpless.
    I have no words to say if someone claims that we have more urgent issues
    than people having fun listening to music or painting pictures.  And how
    do you decide what’s good for people and what’s not?

    That’s why it’s so refreshing and encouraging to see people just going
    ahead and doing what they believe by clever ideas and practical solutions.
    Last year I had such a moment when I got to know about
    the Artists & Audiences Exchange program of New York Foundation for the Arts.
    It’s a part of their grant program which basically give away money to selected
    applicants.  But they tell the selected applicants that the part of their money
    will be given only if they make up a public program for the people in NY state.


    OK, so when I got the money from NYFA last year, my response was, “Ah,
    what? It’s not a free money?  I don’t get it.  They are not just giving it to me?
    What???.”.  Well, that was just before I realized the cleverness and significance
    of the program.  It’s so great to know that there are smart, capable people
    looking after arts out there.  Thank you NYFA.

    After thinking about the program for a few months I decided to give a talk at a
    local library, Hampton Library, in Bridgehampton, NY.  Its building has just
    gotten an extensive renovation and the director of the library has been very
    positive and welcoming about the idea (my wife used to work there!).  So the
    talk is going to be on Saturday May 15th 3:00PM.  I will be talking about my
    sculpture making process with lots of images.  It’ll be relaxed, informal and
    hopefully fun.  Please let the library know if you are interested in attending.
    I will see you there if you are around!


    Contact information for the Hampton Library in Bridgehampton
    Facebook Page for the Hampton Library in Bridgehampton
    Hiroyuki Hamada is a 2009 Artist Fellowship recipient of the New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA).  This presentation is co-sponsored by Artists & Audience Exchange, a NYFA public program.
  • Facebook Page Added

    In News on

    I’m very happy and moved that my new friend, Fernan Ozel, from Istanbul has put
    up a Facebook page for my work.  It’s really great that someone half across the
    planet reaches out to you and helps you out spreading the words about what you
    are doing.  Thank you so much Fernan!  I still remember shooting slides of my
    work and sending them out to be seen by galleries/curators.  We definitely live in
    a different world today.

    And if you are into Facebook, please join us!


  • Art Chicago 2010

    In News on

    It’s been fun and exciting exchanging emails with people at Aureus Contemporary
    for the past weeks setting up details for Art Chicago.  It all started when I spotted
    really nice paintings by Karim Hamid at BOOOOOOOM.  I was taken by them
    enough to contact the artist to tell him how much I enjoyed.  Karim kindly invited
    me to come see them in person at one of the art fairs in NYC last month.  I checked
    out some of his latest pieces there and we enjoyed chatting.

    One of Karim's paintingsOne of Karim’s paintings

    Shortly after that, I got an email from the director of Aureus Contemporary,
    Andreas Kuefer, asking me to team up for Art Chicago next month.  So there we go.
    Aureus Contemporary will have a 850 sf booth and it’ll put emphasis on three
    artists, Karim Hamid, Sara Carter, and myself.  There will be six pieces of mine on
    view.  And you get to see more from Karim also.

    Here is some info about Art Chicago taken from its site:






    Art Chicago® 2010, the annual international fair of contemporary and modern art, brings
    together the world’s leading emerging and established galleries. Art Chicago offers
    curators, collectors, artists and art enthusiasts a comprehensive survey of current and
    historic work, from cutting-edge to modern masters in a wide variety of media including:
    painting, photography, drawings, prints, sculpture, video and special installations.

    Art Chicago 2010 will take place April 30 – May 3, with an Opening Preview on April 29
